Isn´t this picture SO sweet?? I just had to share it with you all.
I don´t know if you remember that I said that it was about time I had a blog give away?
Well, I haven´t forgotten about it. It is just that the 2 shows coming up soon are taking most of my time so it looks like you have to wait until I get back from the Hugglets show....
Sorry about that but there isn´t enough hours in a day for me^^.
I want to remind you as well about the "BE MY VALENTINE" show that is coming up on the 13th of February. You can see my preview on the side bar. I really hope that you will come and join us!!!
I will have a preview too with the bears that I am taking with me to the show in London. I just don´t know when that will be yet. But I will let you know when it is coming up. You can join my mailing list too if you want to have that information in your inbox.
Ta, ta for now.